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Pick the course that's right for you
A variety of other courses are available using journal writing techniques. Here are some brief descriptions. If you'd like more information email me at and I'll send you a course description.

Journaling 101
Workshops using the Journal to the Self techniques developed by Journal Writing pioneer Kathleen Adams will teach you innovative ways to add colour, perspective & dimension to your journaling.

Writing a story that's not your own
If you've ever been asked to help someone with their life story this is the course for you.

Develop a personalized wellness program just for you.
Write Way to Wellness offers you an opportunity to listen to your body’s wisdom, to your Inner Healer, and forge your own path to wellness through journaling. Journal writing techniques skillfully designed by pioneer Kathleen Adams and contained in a comprehensive Write Way to Wellness Workbook help you tap into your body’s resources to discover new perspectives on how you can reach your optimum health.

Overcome memoir writing mistakes
Learn about the 6 most common mistakes memoir writer's make and how to avoid them.

Capture moments for future generations
Journal writing is one of the easiest methods for starting/completing a life story. These two, 2 hour sessions will teach you the practical & fun techniques that will help you with your vision, voice & story and learn how to organize it all into a memoir your family will be happy to have for generations to come.

Self care for creative junkies
Contrary to popular opinion you do not need to suffer for your art. Taking time to practice proper self-care is akin to properly preparing for any other challenging endeavour such as sports or examinations. You need to care for yourself before your mind and body can fuel your creative brilliance.

Your muse is in
You recognize creativity as a central source of meaning in your life. But lately you find your motivation/inspiration--your MUSE--is taking too many coffee breaks and vacations or simply gone AWOL developing a creative crisis. If so it's time to call in the creative big guns.

From memory to imagination
There are many motives for clawing away at our hippocampus. Some people do it for reminiscence; to relive the pleasure of past moments through writing. Others find it's an excellent way to retrieve detailed information for their life stories.

Journaling for gratitude
Robert Emmons, professor of psychology and a researcher at the University of California has found people who keep gratitude journals have fewer physical complaints, feel better about their lives as a whole and are more optimistic.

We need to talk
Navigating conversation in the digital age. Electronic communications, bless its’ digital heart, has made life pretty convenient for us. But in exchange something has been lost, perhaps a tiny part of our humanity?

Journaling for self care
Are you feeling a little overwhelmed or lost these days? Not sure how or where to start making changes that will help you determine your next step? This workshop will help you examine and revise your self-care to lessen that overwhelmed feeling and find your way to the next step.

A taste of memoir
A mini memoir workshop. Whether you are just thinking about writing a memoir, or have already started, this workshop will provide you with hands on experience with journal writing techniques that will lead you to new ways of exploring and developing your memoir.

Imagination stretching
Experience creative bliss. This group is for everyone, including people who: Daydream, hang in hammocks; are stressed and need an original way to chill; have a creative calling and want an easier way to get to it or to get unstuck; don't think they are creative but want to be proven wrong and more.
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